CertiFlow is a managing Solution for Certifying Organisms, inspection, verification and trial and registration laboratories that must respond to precise requirements specified in the international regulation ISO/IEC 17011 and in Italy are controlled by the unique accreditation entity Accredia, appointed by the Government.
Developed on Microsoft Dynamics technology it includes the following Entities:
- Microsoft Dynamics Nav: Billing Activities management, general accounting management, active and passive, or profits management, Credit control, Defaults management and reports generation to cover compulsory assignments.
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM: end user management, customer details management, contracts, orders and activities management, management of the whole deal cycle up to the contract signing.
- Web Portal: An active interface towards the outside to better manage the relations with one’s suppliers and associates.
Certiflow is perfectly integrated with the flows of the following Directives:
· Elevators
. Lifting Plants
· automotive
· Toys and Amusement Parks machinery
· Electric Systems/Grounding
· Machines
· PED – Under Pressure Machinery
· Acoustic Emissions (Noise Pollution)
· System Certification
The Solution allows to add new flows at a small cost.
Certiflow Pluses
In the certification sector it is very important being able to supply clients with contracts that allow them to manage many certifications offering a cheaper sales formula. Thanks to the completely integrated system it is possible to apply different kinds of Billing from the accounting module without affecting the amount of time needed to complete the operation.
Beyond supplying all the basic functions needed for accounting and financial management (cash flow), CertiFlow integrated Netribe Group’s EASYGO 4NAV add-on particularly to manage Italian Fiscal Peculiarities:
– Competency management
– Calculation of Profits and Investments
– Analytic and Industrial accounting
– Creation and Control of budget advancement
Add to these functions the ones specific to this sector.
We gave particular attention to the integration with filing tools for files archiving and back-up archiving for fiscal requirements.
With multi-dimensional management, a typical function of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, it is possible to characterise every single line of accounting, storage, invoice, hours worked to be able to organise the data into multi-dimensional cubes without having to use complex Business Intelligence systems. Using Excel free products available with Microsoft Dynamics NAV like Jet report light or Power Pivot, we can even push beyond complex management controls introducing data coming from the whole itinerary.
CertiFlow manages communications with one’s professionals giving them a tool to find any work done for them and any affiliate, recording the result of the action attaching the necessary documentation, to see their compensations and to have a history of them. All in a guided route to reduce the chance of error or incomplete information.
The call centre management module is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM add-on for the integration, into a single operative tool, of the information collection, management and consolidation procedures, with the customers through a plethora of channels:
– Call centre, Inbound and Outbound
– Email, SMS
– Mail etc.
The system allows to:
– Access the historic information pertaining the company, the client and their assets.
– Effect statistic interrogations and predispose analytic reports and synthetic indicators finalised to the definition of specific marketing activities.
– Integrating with social networks to communicate and discover through them the company’s satisfaction degree on the market.
Using SharePoint any file created by a company procedure can be automatically archived. This filing system allows to organise the hard copy like: Contracts, Minutes (Notes), Competition documents and to be able to access them for the company operators, and, through the corporate portal, to make them available to the customers.